Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Some Fun in Bexar and Comal Counties

On Wednesday October 28, 2009 we headed out Luxello Hall in Cibilo Creek. Unfortunately the hall is closed, but looks as though it has the potential to reopen soon. There was even a Modelo neon lit up inside when we were looking in the windows. We were also lucky enough to have a chupacabre follow us around while we took it all in. She called it a stray dog, but I'd prefer to accept it as a chupe.

Me in front of Luxello.

Zoomed in on the sign to prove we're not full of shit.

From there we went over to Big John's Hangin Tree Saloon. It is still open and everyone there behind and in front of the bar were extremely nice. The bartender who's name escapes me told us that the author, Geronimo, plays there once a month and we should come in and get him to sign the book and such. Before we'd left Big John himself came into the hall and signed our books and took a picture. (

Us with Big John himself inside.

Me out front of the hall.

We then went to the longer serving Knipper Store and Dance Hall. After a quick stop there Laura had a boner for a pumpkin patch we passed, so we stopped there so she could get one. We also took a picture of her behind then Indian because she is 1/8 redskin. (That is why you will see the reoccuring theme of her doing injun stuff in pictures.)

Me looking totally awesome in front of the Knipper Store.

Laura not looking so awesome in front of the store.

Laura bein her little red devil self.

We made a quick, upsetting stop at Sangerhall in New Braunfels. I say it is upsetting because the old writing name on the side is no longer there and it has since turned into a place of church services. Then things were looking up when we made a stop at Freiheit in Zorn. The restaurant has great bacon cheese burgers and cheap beer and a beautiful old hall. Like many of the old halls, there is a bowling alley next to it.

Me in front of Sangerhall.

Mexican in NB who clearly didn't get the memo that FUBU means "For Us, By Us." by the black community.

Me really happy to have had cheap bud light.

Laura was surprise attacked by the camera like her name was Pearl Harbor.

Laura prepared this time like it was the Cold War.

Before heading around on 46 we made a stop at a church on 46 in NB. Then after missing Anhalt Hall because we suck, we stopped at Bergheim General Store. That is a great lil store that has an immediate sense of nostalgia.

The church she couldn't pass up. One of several.

Coming back into town after passing a sign that said "Hill Blocks View" (We found that hilarious because it is so retarded to state the obvious.) we happened to drive through Fair Oaks Ranch and found the Paul Vogt Lodge.

Me in front of the last hall of the night. (In case you were wondering, only some are up to Laura's approval of a picture with her. No she is not a snob, She is not from New York or Southern California.)

Our last stop of the night proved that hooked on phonics doesn't always work.

1 comment:

  1. Kyle wasn't lying when he said that the people at Big John's were extremely nice. In fact, we found that at most the places that we visited that were actually open still were extremely happy that the two of us (partly for being as "young" as we are (well me for the most part, not Kyle)) were interested in the historic sites. Many of the patrons and people that worked there were insistent that we come back for another beer or whenever there was live music. Reason #812 why I love Texas: the genuine hospitality and kindness that a lot of NATIVE Texan's have towards complete strangers (and although Kyle isn’t included into the whole Native Texan thing...he his one of the nicest people to strangers that I know, so he can be included into this category).
